Vishal Eye Hospital

The Vishal Eye Hospital is located in Una, Himachal Pradesh.Our goal is to meet the needs of our patients with the highest quality of service and the most up-to-date technology. We offer latest cataract surgery including MICS, glaucoma investigations and operations for glaucoma, customised spectacle solutions, OCT for retina evaluation as well as full eye diagnostic services. We believe this leads to earlier detection and better treatment and ultimately stopping loss of vision from this silent disease. We invite family eye care, and we welcome you.

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Read latest from Vishal Eye Hospital Una Himachal Pradesh
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August 14, 2016
Vishal Eye Hospital is proud to announce addition of Abbott Sovereign Phaco machine- latest with Cold Phaco, Whitestar, ICE and CASE technologies.

Contact Information


Opp DAV centenary public school Near Indira Ground Nangal road Una HP 174303

Mob:+91-9816055925, Phone:+91-1975224433

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Opening Time

Monday -Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 pm

Lunch Time

Monday -Saturday 4:00 PM - 6:00 pm

Sunday Closed

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